Be part of Wilf Week!

Wilf Week, the annual awareness and fundraising week for St Wilfrid’s Hospice, is taking place from 19th to 27th October.

This year we are focussing on hospice care in our communities. From Eastbourne to Seaford, Heathfield to Uckfield, Hailsham to Polegate, and all points in between, St Wilfrid’s is there for everyone in the local area who needs us. This is thanks to an amazing community of people who have supported us for over 40 years.

During Wilf Week we will be celebrating our wonderful community: with stories, an art exhibition, and a special walk that will link up every part of our catchment area. We are also asking individuals, groups and businesses to hold their own Wilf Week fundraising events to ensure our communities can benefit from expert end of life care for years to come.

Our fundraising team are on hand to provide advice and support, collection buckets and other resources so do get in touch if you have any questions. And check out our fundraising page for a selection of downloadable resources to help you with your fundraising

Living Well hub drop in

What will you do?

Join us for Scone Day

Visit The Street Café on 24th October and enjoy our selection of scones, or host your own scone day event.

Art on the walls in hospice
Bid in the art auction

Throughout October we will be hosting an art exhibition in The Street Café at the hospice. There will also be an online auction of paintings, ceramics, and photography, raising funds to help local people to live well at the end of their life.

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Hold a fundraiser

How about a film night with friends? Or maybe bingo and a beetle drive is more your thing. Whatever you choose to do we are here to help with a special Wilf Week fundraising pack full of ideas, recipes and other goodies.

Dave (middle) and the team at SCHMIDT Eastbourne
Get your business involved

Challenge the team to a funny hat day in the office, raffle off a duvet day, or host a bake sale. Get inspired with our Wilf Week fundraising pack and get fundraising at work.

Polegate Shop Lo Res 22 Outside
Shop local

Visit your local St Wilfrid's shop during Wilf Week and enjoy 10% off

Wilf Walk Post 1
Join an event

Whether you a runner, walker, cyclist or dare devil, we have the perfect event for you. Take the plunge this Wilf Week and sign up for an event or challenge.

‘We want to thank everyone at St Wilfrid’s who helped Mum in any way. Their support meant that our beautiful Mum could have her wish to pass away peacefully at home, and for that, we’ll be eternally grateful.’

Naomi, whose mum Alison was cared for by St Wilfrid’s.

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Every penny you fundraise this Wilf Week makes a huge difference:

£14 could mean an hour of hands-on care for someone at home by funding our care at home team.

£42 could allow us to reach all the corners of our community by keeping a car on the road for a morning.

£121 could sponsor a nurse for a day, giving specialist care on our Inpatient Unit or out in the community.

£395  could provide comfort and reassurance to loved ones by providing 12 hours of our Nurse Line service.

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