Care Quality Report
St Wilfrid's Hospice
CQC overall rating
Accessing our care
St Wilfrid’s supports adults aged 18+ within our catchment area with any life-limiting illness.
The availability of our care is based on need.
What we do
St Wilfrid’s provides support for people with any life-limiting illness towards the end of their lives.
This could be in the hospice building, in the person’s own home or a care home.
Where we are
Our mission is to enable people in Eastbourne, Seaford, Hailsham, Uckfield, Heathfield and all the points in between to live well at end of life.
Our care services
Our care services are set up with patients, families and carers in mind. You come first and so does your care.
24/7 Nurse Line
Day or night, you can call us for advice, support, or reassurance from one of our experienced team members
Our Nurse Line is for patients, families, and healthcare professionals.
Safeguarding is for our service users, their families and carers, and anyone associated with the hospice who can reasonably expect us to protect their privacy, dignity and right to define their own treatment
Contact us
Got a question or need some more information?