Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

St Wilfrid’s Hospice values and promotes equality, diversity and inclusion across our organisation.

We aim to reach out to support people to live well until the end of their lives, and to make sure that no one dies alone, afraid or in pain, regardless of race, background or identity.

At St Wilfrid’s we are proud that our service provides a caring, inclusive environment where our community (our patients, carers, supporters, and their families) are treated equally, as individuals, so you can be sure that you will receive the same high standards of care whoever you are.

Introducing FREDIE

In 2024 we are renewing our commitment to developing, supporting and sustaining a respectful, inclusive and fair organisation. FREDIE is a set of principles that helps us to do that.

FREDIE stands for:
Fairness Being reasonable, right and just
Respect Having due regard for the feelings, wishes and rights of others
Equality Where every person has equal rights and every person has a fair chance
Diversity Diverse means different, so diversity includes us all. The concept of diversity encompasses understanding acceptance and respect.
Inclusion Where every person feels respected, valued and that they fit in with the organisational culture
Engagement Two-way commitment and communication between an organisation and its employees

During May 2024 we will be listening to our staff, volunteers, patients and community by conducting surveys and focus groups. We want to know how we are doing and what we could be doing better to ensure we are the best organisation we can be, and that everyone who needs us feels confident in accessing our services.

Equality, diversity and inclusion statement

At St Wilfrid’s equality, diversity and inclusion is about understanding, recognising, valuing and respecting difference in the broadest sense. It is about creating a working culture through the implementation of practices that harness differences for the benefit of patients, carers and families, and the workforce.

We are committed to working to ensure that the hospice is representative of the community we are serving. St Wilfrid’s cares for a community of approximately 245,000 people and last year we cared for over 2,300 patients and their families. We aim to ensure that information about how to access our care is available in a way that is accessible and easy to understand by all stakeholders, and that hospice communications and case studies are inclusive and reflect the diversity of our community.

Benefits of equality and diversity

Better service to patients:

  • Better understanding of the needs of patients and how these needs can be met.
  • All patients feel they are treated as individuals and with respect.
  • Our organisation is regarded positively in local communities.

Improved employee relations:

  • An organisation with a diverse range of employees and volunteers is well placed to understand the needs of a wide range of service users.
  • A healthier, more productive working atmosphere in which ideas can flourish.
  • A better understanding of the individual needs of colleagues.
  • Improved employee retention and morale.
  • Greater ability to attract employees and volunteers from a diverse talent pool.
Our pledge
August 2020 LHL And IPU 9test
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