Safeguarding at St Wilfrid's
Safeguarding is everyone's business
St Wilfrid’s Hospice recognises that it has fundamental responsibilities in relation to keeping all those who have contact with the organisation safe from harm in the broadest sense. This includes the patients and families, adults and children under the care of the hospice. This also includes staff and volunteers, donors and supporters, the public and our community.
We recognise that keeping safe from harm in the broadest sense requires whole-organisation commitment, underpinned by our organisation’s values. Our aim is to foster a broad culture of safe from harm with a focus on prevention and shared awareness, based on sound governance.
With regards to adults under our care, we recognise that safeguarding adults is a statutory function under the Care Act. St Wilfrid’s has a legal duty to work in line with Care Act statutory guidance. Likewise, with regards to children under our care, we have a statutory duty to comply with legislation laid out in the Children Act 2003 and Children Act 1989 to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
We will therefore work together with the Local Authority and other partners to safeguard adults and children under our care at risk of abuse, neglect or improper treatment. We are committed to an open and transparent culture within which staff and volunteers are competent to recognise, share and respond promptly to safeguarding concerns relating to the wellbeing and welfare of adults and children.
Contact us to find out more about our safeguarding procedures.
Please use the buttons below to download our policies around Safeguarding at St Wilfrid's
Child Protection and Safeguarding
Safeguarding Adults