Service information
Name of service provider: St Wilfrid’s Hospice
Address: 1 Broadwater Way, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN22 9PZ
Telephone: 01323 434200
24/7 on call number: 01323 434222 (Patient's only)
- 20 inpatient beds
- Hospice at Home service, 7 days a week
- Respite bed
- Nurse-led day services
- Medical assessments
- Complementary therapies
- Physiotherapy
- Chaplaincy/spiritual care
- Bereavement service
- Education centre
Please note: the Clinical Nurse Specialist team has now been incorporated into our hospice nursing team, providing services in our community under our hospice's management. They are now be called St Wilfrid’s Hospice Community Palliative Care Nurse Specialists.
Patient group: Any adult with a life-limiting illness.
Delivery of care: Based on assessed symptom need, whether it is physical, psychological or social.
Catchment area: The area surrounding Eastbourne extending to Seaford in the west, Norman's Bay in the east and Uckfield to the north.
MDT meeting frequency: Weekly for all services (Inpatient Unit, Day Therapy and Hospice at Home)
Referral criteria: We accept written / faxed referral from any health professional involved in patient care, Clinical Nurse Specialists, Hospital Doctors and Cancer MDT meetings, GPs and District Nurses. Out of area referrals for inpatient stays are also considered when there is a clear identified need. You can download referral forms and information by clicking here.
© St Wilfrid's Hospice Eastbourne
Registered Charity No. 283686