Bereavement Support

When someone dies who is important to us, it can leave an empty space in our lives and it is natural to experience strong or mixed feelings. We're here to support you at this time

Supporting you after bereavement

St Wilfrid's offers support to those who have been affected by the death of someone who was cared for by the hospice. 

When someone dies who is important to us, it can leave a space in our lives and it is natural to experience strong or mixed feelings.

Every loss is a very personal experience and no two people experience loss in the same way. Perhaps you feel sad they are no longer with you, bad that you could not do enough, guilt about your relief that they no longer have to suffer illness or frailty, anxious about how your life will be changed. There may also be practical problems for you and other people who share your loss, such as children or family members. You may wonder about how to find meaningful ways of remembering your loved one.

The support needed following a bereavement will also be different for every person. On this page you will find a range of tools that can help in your grief; information about what to expect following a bereavement, opportunities for group and one-to-one support, and ways to remember your loved one. Sometimes people find that what they want or need changes as time goes on. If this happens to you, please come back to these pages.

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I need help now

I need one-to-one support

I am a health care professional

St Wilfrid's bereavement support

Bereavement book
Bereavment Book

Download an excellent booklet on bereavement here. With lots of helpful advice and resources to help you at this time

Practical advice

This booklet aims to give you straightforward information about what needs to be done and where you can get help when someone close to you dies

The Seahorse Project
Seahrose project logo

Bereavement affects children and young people too. Find out how we can support you and them at this time

One-to-one support
Bereavement Scrabble Board Blog Image

Helping you to explore your emotions at what may be a turbulent and confusing time, our team are there for you

Bereavement Help Points
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A safe space where persons touched by grief, loss or bereavement can talk freely and openly and be heard, listened to and supported

Tea at Three at the hospice
Tea And Cake

An informal support group and welcoming space for anyone who’s experienced a bereavement, held at 3pm on the first Wednesday of the month

Connecting with others in the community
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Find out about community groups that offer support for those who have been bereaved

Remembering together
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Find out about events at the hospice that offer the chance to remember someone who has died

In memory of
Memory Tree butterflies

When someone dies, often their family and friends like to pay tribute to their lives and help those in need by doing something to benefit future patients and families


From 27th March 2024, we will be offering our one-to-one bereavement counselling service only to those who have been affected by the death of someone who was cared for by St Wilfrid’s Hospice.

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